5 Easy Ways to Secure Your Data Online
It isn’t a matter of whether you’re on the move, at the computer, or using your smartphone, it’s essential to ensure your data is secure check this site out online. This includes passwords as well as credit card numbers and personal information.
There are several simple ways to protect your online data:
1. Change passwords regularly.
It is essential to change your passwords frequently to avoid hackers using the same password across different websites. This is especially important for financial accounts. Two-factor authentication is also a possibility. This involves entering a code that is sent to your phone.
2. For all accounts, ensure that you use strong passwords and passphrases.
To make it harder for criminals, you should use a mixture of lower-case and upper-case numbers, letters and special characters. It is essential to choose a password length that’s long enough, but not too long, to make it easy for people to remember.
3. Use a secure password manager.
A password manager creates complex and unique passwords that are hard for hackers to crack. You can configure your account so that your passwords are reset automatically each time they are used.
4. You can turn off autocomplete and other features that share your info to people who type it for you.
Autocomplete is a method used by hackers to guess your passwords, Social Security number and other personal information. By turning off autocomplete, you can keep your information private.
5. Make sure you regularly refresh your browsers, apps and devices regularly.
Software updates are crucial for protecting your devices from viruses and malware. They are generally free and help to fix critical security holes that hackers could exploit.