Making Learning a Part of Life in the Digital Age

With the onset of digital technologies many of our old methods of learning and working are being replaced. This is happening both in and inside the classroom. It is evident that a new approach to learning is needed to be developed. But how can this be achieved? The answer is that it requires not only the creation of an infrastructure of digital technology to support learning as well as addressing the fundamental question of what is education and learning in the near future.

This article focuses on how to make learning a vital part of our lives in the digital age, based on contributions of educators and researchers from all over the globe. It is written for learners (including parents and students), educators and curriculum designers tech experts, researchers in learning sciences, and policy makers.

There are many opinions on what education in the digital age should be. However there is a broad consensus that we must support the co-evolution of learning and technology for communication. This should include exploring opportunities to develop radical new ideas about learning, as well as establishing methods that can be supported by modern communications technologies.

The fact that the majority of the applications of information technology in the field of education are still an “gift-wrapping” form (Fischer, 1998) is among the biggest issues. These technologies are utilized as add-ons to existing frameworks such as instructionism memorization, fixed curriculum and decontextualized learning. This is evident in numerous studies of comparative research where a face-to -face setting is used as a baseline that limits the study of tasks that require functions only accessible in digital settings.

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